Learn about blood sugar

Blood sugar refers to the glucose content in the blood, which is the energy source necessary for the body to maintain normal physiological functions.

Our bodies digest carbohydrates in food into glucose, and insulin helps cells absorb and use this glucose.

How to check blood sugar?

Checking your blood sugar is a simple but important health habit, especially for those at risk for diabetes.

Common blood glucose testing methods include home blood glucose meters and blood tests in medical institutions.

Home blood glucose meters collect a drop of blood sample and measure the glucose concentration in it, providing a convenient and fast monitoring method.

Blood tests in medical institutions are more accurate, and doctors can use this data to develop more precise treatment plans for patients.

What are blood sugar goals?

Setting reasonable blood sugar goals is an important part of diabetes management.

Blood sugar goals vary according to the patient’s age, health status and type of diabetes, and are generally divided into two aspects: fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar.

Fasting blood sugar should generally remain between 70 and 130 mg/dL, while postprandial blood sugar goals may be more specific.

Setting clear blood sugar goals can help patients better control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications.

Healthy eating to control blood sugar

Diet plays a vital role in blood sugar management.

Adopting healthy eating habits that include enough vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help control blood sugar fluctuations.

Avoid high GI foods such as sugar and white bread and choose low GI alternatives.

A reasonable diet structure and scattered eating times can help maintain stable blood sugar.

In addition, paying attention to how food is cooked and reducing the use of fat and sugar can also have a positive impact on lowering blood sugar levels.

6 Best Drinks to Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Choosing the right drinks in your diet can help lower blood sugar levels.

1. Green tea

Rich in antioxidants, which help improve cell sensitivity to insulin.

2. Lemon water

Rich in vitamin C, it helps reduce blood sugar fluctuations.

3. Soy milk

A low-GI drink, rich in protein, which helps control blood sugar.

4. Bitter melon juice

Contains some natural hypoglycemic ingredients that can help lower blood sugar.

5. Coconut water

Rich in electrolytes, it helps maintain the body's water balance.

6. Sugar-free black tea

Contains a variety of beneficial ingredients and also has a positive impact on regulating blood sugar.

Learn about diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease in which patients are unable to produce or utilize insulin properly.

Long-term, uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause harm to various body systems, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, vision problems and neurological damage.